Weight Cuff Adjustable Cuff Style The Original Cuff 1 lbs.Color-coded weight levelsMarked with both pounds and kilogramsGrommeted for hanging on any weight rack.
Color-coded weight levelsMarked with both pounds and kilogramsGrommeted for hanging on any weight rack.Weight Cuff Adjustable Cuff Style The Original Cuff 2 lbs.
Weight Cuff Adjustable Cuff Style The Original Cuff 3 lbs.Color-coded weight levelsMarked with both pounds and kilogramsGrommeted for hanging on any weight rack.
Weight Cuff Adjustable Cuff Style The Original Cuff 10 lbs.Color-coded weight levelsMarked with both pounds and kilogramsGrommeted for hanging on any weight rack.
CanDo Twist-n-Bend Flexible Exercise Bar - 12" - Red - Light Perform oscillation movements for neuromuscular and balance training. The 12 inch long rubber bar utilizes the same graduated progressive color code as other CanDo products (tan - xx-light, yellow - x-light, red - light, green - medium, blue - firm, and black - x-firm). Also promotes coordination and increases range-of-motion.
Ultrasound Gel Aquasonic 100 Transmission, Sterile 20 gm Foil PouchOverwrapped, sterilized foil pouchesAcoustically correct for the broad range of frequencies used in medical ultrasoundCompletely aqueous, will not stain clothing or damage equipmentHigh Viscosity.
Ultrasound Gel Aquasonic 100 Transmission, Sterile 20 gm Foil PouchOverwrapped, sterilized foil pouchesAcoustically correct for the broad range of frequencies used in medical ultrasoundCompletely aqueous, will not stain clothing or damage equipmentHigh Viscosity.
Balance Pad ArmaSport Blue Foam 2-1/2 x 16 X 20 InchCoarse surface for traction on bottom, top surfacesFree of phthalate plasticizers, latex and triclosanSanitized coating protects against microbes and unpleasant odors.